Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23, 2009

Hello Ward Gardeners
Hope your gardens are ahead of your weeds!! For those old time gardeners it is perfect weather to get in your dirt patch. For you new timers you need to get your veggies (with a stalk) into the ground now!! See my last blog for the list of veggies to plant now. Also you can plant any kind of seed now ( except for you that live in or up the canyon). I like to plant my vines in containers (see picture above) and move them out to the garden when they have at least 3-4 leaves on them, it is easier to control the watering and the weeds. It is best to water early or late in the day, not when it is hottest. The picture to the right is my volunteer lettuce patch and the one above that is a shot of my garden with lilac bushes in the background. If you want more info on container gardening call me or e mail me. I hope you are teaching your children and grandchildren to garden, it will stay with them all their life. Happy gardening and let me know how your garden is growing. Brother Glasgow 801-224-5967 or e mail me at

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wayne's Gardening Tips - May 14th 2009

Hello ward gardeners. For those of you who know what needs to be done next in your garden I hope you can find the time to get it done. For the rest of you, make time to now before it is to late. You can still plant lettuce, and all the leafy green stuff you want to. It may burn up in the prime of it’s life or we may have a mild Spring and you will harvest before it goes to seed. Broccoli, cabbage, and any of the other woody (with a stem or stalk) veggies are still good to go. You need to get your potatoes, tomatoes, peppers in the ground soon. You can wait a week or 2 before you need to plant the cukes, pumpkins, zucchini, water melon, cantaloupe stuff (or you can start any of these in small containers close to the hose bib, they need watering often to get the seeds to sprout). Good luck to all of you and bless your gardens. You can e mail me at if you have any questions or comments. Brother Glasgow

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gardening in the Canyon

I will be posting things on the web blog & in the bulletin too. Some of the Ward has asked about growing food in the canyon and it is tough. That is why they used the canyon for Summer cottages, to get away from the heat. If you are going to stay there for a long time I feel that a hot house-green house would be a very good investment. If not I would partner up with someone in the valley that would share the work & the bounty of a summer garden with you. You can share the cool Summer delights of your location with them. Fresh garden dinners or lunches. Snowy Winter veggie stews & soups. Make the good times last into the Winter.

The term “cool weather veggies" means lettuce, spinach, chard, bock choy, cabbages, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. You can plant any of these outside now; they will be slow to come up and remember to keep them moist but do not drown them. Light sprinkles every day till they pop up, then heavy watering with some drying out spells when they are 4” tall.

No corn, squash, peppers, tomatoes, gourds, beans, or viney things yet. You can start any of these inside in starter pots and watch them grow in to mighty plants that want to be set outside when it warms up. You can plant your potatoes now but they will not come up till the weather hits 65' day temps and stays above 55' night temps. I keep mine in a cool, dry place till the temp comes up. It is good for them to sprout out, just not good to get mushy. Good luck to you and your garden, I hope you are teaching your children (grand children) about the progression of a garden, it is very much like all other things in life. You get out of it what you put in to it. Happy gardening you can reach me at my cell 801-885-5979 or on our web blog Brother Glasgow

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Carolyn's Provident Living Column - May 2009

This month I would encourage you and your family to make an Emergency Plan. What will you do in an emergency or disaster situation? It is important to be aware of what types of emergencies can happen in your area and anticipate how you will respond. For our Ward areas we can anticipate and have had: avalanches, power outages, flooding, fires, evacuations, and road closures all in the last 5 years.

Recommendations this month would be to decide how your family will contact each other in the event of an emergency. Family members are often all not together, or at home during an emergency. How will you let your family know where you are or what your status, or situation is? Decide what you will do and then share this with your immediate family and friends. In an actual emergency it is often difficult to make phone calls in your immediate area, but you can make long-distance calls out of state. Make sure everyone in your family knows who the out of state person will be, their number to call, and then have a way to make that call either with a cell phone or a phone card, or money with them all the time to make the call.

Make a list with the following information:

• Name, phone number and email information for each family member.
• Emergency contact person’s name, phone number and email information
• An out of town person’s name, phone number and email information.

Put this on a small card and carry it with you.

There is an excellent website that has recommendations and a template you can fill in with this information and then download to your computer:
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